Our training packages enable schools, services and businesses to see an individual's abilities rather than their disability.

At Family Pathway our expert knowledge means that we work with schools, employers, local authorities, and third sector providers to shift mindsets, creating attitudes of curiosity and understanding to enable individuals with challenging characteristics and deficits in Executive Functioning Skills to access work, school and college thus participating positively in their daily lives, be it in the workplace or at school.
Our awareness training programmes are tailored to meet the needs of individual businesses, schools and services. We work with members of the leadership team and governing body, both in schools and in business to support the understanding of the Equalities Act (2010) and explore what it means to make reasonable adjustments and adaptations, securing equitable inclusion.
Neurodiversity and Disability Awareness Training
Our training sessions are designed to be an introduction to neurodiversity within the workplace. This training will enable individuals to develop an understanding around neurodiverse conditions such as Autism, ADHD, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia and Dyslexia.
Our course trainers are specialised in neurodiversity and have experience in working in a wide range of worplaces, i.e. schools, local authority services and in businesses. Our passion is to work with individuals and organisations, raising connection and compassion around our communities that we serve, to enable equitable inclusion.
We at Family Pathway also provide LGBTQ+ informed care. Our values are underpinned by securing that we break down barriers to Inclusive Mental Health Care and Connection across all communities that we work with.

LGBTQ+ Awareness

Our training sessions are designed to be an introduction to share lived experiences of our LGBTQ+ community. This training also enables you to explore the meaning and complexities of sexual orientation and gender identity, and how to relate to each other. We will also be able to explore language and pronouns.
Our trainer has lived experiences, both in terms of living and working within the LGBTQ+ community and is a specialist around all matters of neurodiversity, inclusion and equity.
What our clients say:
Person A: The session was excellent. The trainer made the session interesting and informative, and helped to make it comfortable to talk about experiences. The videos from Alison, Mica and Steve are a brilliant idea. Alison, Mica and Steve have strengthen my confidence when speaking with colleagues from the LGBTQ+ community, as well as help me educate my friends and family about the LGBTQ+ community. Thank you!
CWMPAS - Wales
Person B: The trainer was relaxed, professional and had a personable approach. My favourite element was how much the experiences of people from the LGBTQ+ community was woven into the fabric of the course. This gave it an authenticity and brought the ideas and issues to life.
CWMPAS - Wales

Specialist training
Managing Mental Wellbeing at Work From practical techniques and tools to soft skills in listening and having difficult conversations. This training forms a fundamental part of leadership development. This interactive workshops focus on how managers can have a positive impact on mental wellbeing in the workplace without being an ‘expert’. The aim is to develop proactive leaders who create open and supportive working environments, are confident in spotting signs and addressing issues early, and feel equipped to support a team member who is struggling with their mental health. Part of this workshop would also be to identify self-care strategies to keep leaders well.
Mental Health First Aid Training We deliver accredited MHFA England Adult and Youth 2-day, 1-day, half day and refresher training. This can be delivered virtually or face to face. Our associate Louise Jones leads on the MHFA training and has a strong background in mental health, with a workplace perspective. Louise will ensure a safe, supportive and fun environment in which to learn.
Mental Health Awareness Our awareness training is adapted to any audience, and in our planning we consider their demographics, job roles and accessibility needs to increase engagement. The aim is to start the conversation on mental health, raise awareness of self and others, and provide practical guidance on supporting someone who may be struggling.