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Family Pathway builds collaborations with organisations that support learners who face disadvantage. Our framework of support includes personalised, holistic interventions, which includes training, supervision and ongoing developments with our affiliated partners.

Our interventions build on the existing support offered by the partners that we work with, and we strengthen their offer using the Universal Design for Learning framework, to address the varying needs of ALL learners.
Our personalised learning approach, applies evidenced based research from education and neuroscience.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) provides teachers, paraprofessionals, including youth workers with a lens to identify and reduce barriers that restrict learning.
Specialising in HUMAN diversity
Our Partners: Schools, Alternative Provisions, Youth Centers, EOTAS
We work with schools, Alternative Provisions, EOTAS services in Local Authorities, using insights from research on learner diversity and how human variability plays out in the learning environment, and at home.
We collaborate with our partners in research-based discussions and planning, on what it means to access learning at the point that each learner is able to access, and develop their personal map for learning and engagement.
Our approach with our partners is tailored to each contexts needs, working closely with staff and learner voice to secure a personalised Person-Centred Approach, based on Helen Sanderson's work, by developing with our partners person-centred thinking, planning and practices.

Person-Centred Coaching for Paraprofessionals
Evidenced-Based approaches: Integrating Executive Functioning, Trauma-informed care, Neurodiversity into Reflective practice.
Person-Centred Coaching training, provides a holistic approach into supporting Neurodiversity and trauma-informed principles.
At Family Pathway, the Person-Centred Coaching model, emphasizes safety, trust, collaboration, positive identity and empowerment, providing individual with choice.
Person-Centred Coaching (PCC) aims: A person-centred approach to connection and access, enabling personal empowerment through fostering a positive personal self-identity. PCC encompasses the different ways we think, act, communicate, move and process information, celebrating the unique strengths and perspectives of individuals with diversity of neurological profiles.
Our Person-Centred Coaching training is aimed at skilling support workers who work with vulnerable and disadvantaged children, young people and adults with disabilities. This training encompasses evidenced-based research by the Sutton Trust, IOE and the Gottman Institute.
The interactive workshops focus on how paraprofessionals can have a positive impact on enabling individuals overcome challenges so that they can engage with the things they need to do, want to do and are expected to do, including environmental challenges. This training enables paraprofessionals to develop the understanding, compassion and connection when working with the wide spectrum of neurological differences and needs within the settings that they work in.
Paraprofessionals are support workers who work with vulnerable children, young people and adults with disability. This includes teaching assistants, youth workers and support workers in education, and care industry.
Person Centred Coaching

Person-Centred Coaching (PCC)
PCC provides paraprofessionals with the tools, knowledge and understanding to support individuals overcome personal barriers to access their best life. PCC training develops confidence in:
Communication skills with other professionals around individual's needs;
Raises awareness around different emotional styles and differences;
Reflecting on behaviours and underlying needs;
Enabling steps for access, such as supporting an individual with thinking how to think (Metacognition);
Develop awareness around the developmental stages of executive functioning skills. For us to do anything in our life, we need these skills;
Linking the learning around behaviours and executive functioning skills to the upstairs and downstairs brain.
Understanding our why when working with vulnerable individuals, i.e. enabling independence
Planning for Support Staff training:
All our training is tailored to the needs of each setting. This means that the training to each setting is contextualised to the settings profile of need, i.e. mainstream school; SEN/ALN school; assisted living support, youth centres. Our initial approach is to start with an initial audit around the experience of support staff. All our training is followed up with a training session with all staff in the setting.

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