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ADHD Coaching
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition. This means it refers to the way the brain has developed its neurological pathways which influences how a person functions and what they do. It does NOT mean bad parenting!
There are currently no biological tests to diagnose ADHD so it is essentially a collection of information to find if there is prevalence with a set of behaviours based on symptoms of:
Inattention – for example, struggling to focus and making careless mistakes.
Hyperactivity – for example, fidgeting, swaying and restlessness
Impulsivity – for example, not thinking before you act, blurting out answers/interrupting
I am sure you can think of times where you or your child/young person has done some or all the above. The difference is that with ADHD, these behaviours significantly impact activities of daily life.

Are you considering medication or is your child on medication?
This can be a very challenging time for families, as in many instances families report that there isn't much support around understanding the options available. Another worry for families is the time gaps between appointments with the psychiatrist, to discuss anxieties and challenges, particularly around medication.
The following are TWO Models to consider when your child is being supported with their ADHD:
- The Medical Model which involves medication.
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- The Psychosocial Model which does not involve medication, but requires a strong relationship between families, and education.
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navigate conversations that are meaningful to your
ADHD: Advice on how to help your child at home
ADHD model of Coaching
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